Following recent articles announcing the groundbreaking collaboration between Rabona and Mike Tyson, the excitement continues to build as users are already seizing the opportunity to...
ReferOn, a state-of-the-art affiliate program management system, was recognized alongside MioMedia affiliate program by the reputable Gambling Insider publication on the Affiliate Program of the...
Boomerang Partners launches the prestigious Golden Boomerang Awards 2024 traffic tournament for affiliates worldwide. The competition will be held on a special landing where participants...
ICE is the global conference, home to 600+ international brands that provide access to financial products, gaming tech solutions, and innovations. Sends team visited the exhibition...
Checkd Group and William Hill took home the top prize in the Marketing Campaign of the Year category at last night’s iGB Affiliate Awards 2024....
Richard Dennys is Game Lounge’s new CEO, effective from February 2024. His seamless transition to the role will maintain continuity and continued success. At a...
ICE and its co-located sister show iGB Affiliate will be bidding farewell to London in quite spectacular style showcasing a record 811 exhibitors from 76...
ReferOn, a state-of-the-art affiliate management platform, has wrapped its data insights for 2023. Its first 10 months of operation showed significant technological advances and notable...
Casino Guru, the leading information source and online casino database, has recently joined forces with AffPapa, the ultimate iGaming directory connecting affiliates and operators, to...
PartnerMatrix has integrated DeepCI’s game-changing analytical tools within its interface enabling customers to instantly optimise and boost campaigns, operations and revenues. DeepCI technology will enable...