VERSUS, a leading online casino and sportsbook operator in the Spanish iGaming market, has renewed its partnership with NetRefer, a top provider of affiliate marketing...
Affiliate tracking platform’s Odds Betting Banner Creation Tool allows publishers to create branded banners including real-time information and odds RavenTrack, the fastest-growing affiliate tracking platform...
Below the latest reaction from QiH Group CEO Jamie Walters on the UK government’s statutory levy announcement: Jamie Walters, CEO of QiH Group, comments: “While...
Jackpots just got closer for iGaming affiliate marketers with the launch of BoostBox by MyAffiliates — a new AI-driven tool designed to unlock new levels...
Game Lounge, a leading iGaming affiliate company, announced the acquisition of Two Kings Consultants B.V., the owner and operator of Meneer Casino, a prominent Dutch...
ReferOn, the state-of-the-art affiliate management system, announces its strategic partnership with MicroGame, Italy’s leading iGaming provider. MicroGame is Italy’s largest iGaming software and services provider,...
QMRA is a Compliance Quality Mark for iGaming Affiliates, launched by XY Legal Solutions B.V. (XYLS). XYLS launched a Dutch Quality Mark, KVA (, in...